The headline 'One Line A Week' as a one line drawing

For over 24 weeks, once a week a picture was uploaded in the style of One Line Art. From now on, only spontaneous pictures will be uploaded here.

A cat as a continuous line art #24 Cat A wolf paw as a continuous line art #23 Wolf Paw A fox as a continuous line art #22 Fox A hummingbird as a continuous line art #21 Hummingbird A squirrel as a continuous line art #20 Squirrel The painting 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' of Johannes (Jan) Vermerr as a continuous line art #19 Girl with a Pearl Earring (Vermeer) A dove as a continuous line art #18 Dove (Picasso) The word Smile as a continuous line art #17 Smile A wineglass as a continuous line art #16 Wineglass The head of tabaluga as a continuous line art #15 Tabaluga The firefox logo as a continuous line art #14 Firefox The earth as a continuous line art #13 Earth A rose as a continuous line art #12 Rose A face of a dog as a continuous line art #11 Dog A chicken as a continuous line art #10 Chicken A turtle as a continuous line art #9 Turtle A Christmas tree ball with the text 'Merry Christmas' as a continuous line art #8 Merry Christmas A fiddle as a continuous line art #7 Fiddle A bicycle as a continuous line art #6 Bicycle An umbrella as a continuous line art #5 Umbrella An orca as a continuous line art #4 Orca A couple as a continuous line art #3 Couple A rabbit as a continuous line art #2 Rabbit A bird as a continuous line art #1 Bird



What is a One Line Art?

A One Line Art, also called Continous Line Art or Single Line Art, means to draw a line without releasing the "pen" from the paper. A One Line Drawing is a specific style of drawing but it has different characteristics depending on the artist. My drawings are plain and rather smooth, without many sharp corners and are characterized by different line thicknesses.


What is it about and how a drawing is created?

I started this project to be creative and to further increase this creativity. The finalization of a drawing is an iterative process for me. In different phases I try to abstract the objects minimalist and thereby become clear to me what the core of each illustration is. I work out primarily digitally, for short sketches and mainly especially for lettering I use the analogue level.


Who is behind the project?

Raik my name and I am a german front-end developer and media computer scientist. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.